Kiarash Soleimanzadeh

(pronounced 'kee-aw-rahsh solei-man-za-deh')

I am incredibly interested in applications of computer engineering and computer science in healthcare (smart-healthcare) and natural language processing to improve quality of life.

I am not only a highly self-motivated, self-taught, creative, hard-working, and problem-solver student but also a teaching assistant, researcher, software engineer, and a smart-healthcare enthusiast.

If I am not developing codes, I am somewhere else, thinking about novel research ideas. Also, my free time is dedicated to hiking, camping, cycling, reading, swimming, and listening to music. These works are my daily schedules, so feel free to ask for anything related.

Please check out my blog, it is my pleasure.

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Razi University   (2014-2018)
M.Sc. Information Technology Engineering - Multimedia Systems (a branch of Computer Engineering)

Malayer University   (2009-2014)
B.Sc. Computer Engineering - Software


I'm interested in applications of computer engineering and computer science in healthcare (smart-healthcare) and natural language processing.
Representative sections/papers are highlighted.

SD-WLB: An SDN-aided mechanism for web load balancing based on server statistics
Kiarash Soleimanzadeh, Mahmood Ahmadi, Mohammad Nassiri
ETRI Journal, 2019
bibtex  /  PDF

A smart method to balance requests/loads among servers in data centers.

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